f6d3264842 testificate: In Scots law, a solemn written assertion, not on oath, formerly used in ... 'testificate' is no one's favorite word yet, has 1 comment, and is not a valid .... Testificate definition: a document of evidence | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ... Used Rarely. testificate is in the lower 50% of commonly used words in the .... What is the meaning of testificate? Showing results from over 3000 word lists.. The word testificate is defined as a writing wherein a fact is attested; a certificate, the suffix -ficate means to make/do/build, and the prefix test- means to bear witness.. Noun. testificate (plural testificates) (historical, Scotland) A certificate of good character that was required to allow travel between parishes in the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century.. 26 Jun 2019 ... Fan title for the villager NPCs in Minecraft.The name "Testificate" had been initially regarded as the name hovering over the villager NPCs in .... A UFO (which was from Villager News 2) made out of villagers is wreaking havoc... ... The color bars appear which mean that the video has no signal, and ends .... Testificate meaning in Urban Dictionary. Fan title for villager NPCs in Minecraft.The title "Testificate" was originally regarded as title hovering above the villager .... "NANANANANANANANA - BAT- 'I mean- TESTIFICATE MAN!" -Testificate Man's catchphrase. Testificate Man is the main protagonist of Element Animation's .... Meaning testificate. What does testificate mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word testificate. You can also add a definition of testificate yourself .... 14 Jul 2015 ... Villagers. are NPC's (non-player characters) that are only found in a Village. When a Testificate is attacked, they will not become hostile, and .... If it is impossible or inappropriate to operate the engine under net conditions, the dynamometer settings shall be corrected to net conditions using the above .... In Latin "Testificate" means "Witnessed". testificate - word meaning, usage, and definition in English.. The name "Testificate" was originally seen as the name hovering above the ... Your use of Urban Dictionary is subject to our terms of service. ... Top definition.. If a villager is "willing" (see below), villagers breed as long as the population is .... Villagers acquire pieces of gossip through various means, and spread them to .... 2 Oct 2015 - 7 min - Uploaded by Element AnimationTestificate Man goes head to head with his arch nemesis, Dr Inconsiderate, in this epic action .... «Testificate» Minecraft is a sandbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Notch Persson and later developed and published by .... Define testificate. testificate synonyms, testificate pronunciation, testificate translation, English dictionary definition of testificate. n obsolete Scot a document of .... Lookup the definition of testificate synomyns, antonyms, anagrams of the word. What does the word testificate mean? What words can be made with testificate.
What Does Testificate Mean
Updated: Mar 18, 2020